

Cozy Creatures is a family operated animal care business that originated in 2013. Our facility is equipped with a staff of highly skilled, loving, trusting and compassionate caregivers. We take pride in the level of service and the abundance of love we share with all our cozy creatures.


BETTY BLAUVELT-MURDOCK, PRESIDENT, 6 YRS EXP - In life you never expect what is brought your way. I never had the opportunity as a young girl born and raised in Newfoundland Canada to have the opportunity to love animals other than those we raised on a farm. Tender love and care was never taught for the animals when utilized for survival. I can thank God now that I have the opportunity to love all God’s creatures the same. Puppies and kittens just fit much better In my life now and I’m a proud owner.  :)

ELSIE FEWER, OPERATIONS MANAGER, 20 YRS EXP - I have been a dog lover since I was a child. Animals are my passion. I have always had a dog and cat as a child and since early adulthood have had at least two dogs and two cats as part of my family. I have adopted five rescue dogs over the years and have been blessed in abundance knowing that I made a big difference in their lives. I coordinate local events through my local church every October and raise money for local animal shelters and animal awareness organizations. My hearts desire is to provide continuous love while nurturing all animals entrusted to me.

KALYN PRYOR, CAREGIVER, 6 YRS EXP - I am a 23 year old college student and a proud owner of a Siberian Husky named Nala and an Australian Sheppard named Cheyenne. They are my everything! I have always loved animals and enjoy bonding with them as they develop from puppies to dogs. Cozy Creatures has provided me the opportunity to care for my dogs, and other dogs as well as allow them to play with other furry friends while I further my college education.

DAYNA PRYOR, CAREGIVER, 6t YRS EXP - I am a 45 year old proud mother of two daughters, a Yorkie named Roxy and a hedge hog named Spike. Growing up I have always had dogs in my home. I have a passion for animals of all types and enjoy building a bond with them all. I have had the opportunity to work with many animal owners and their pets over the years. I am grateful for our relationship thus far. Animals make my heart smile!

GINGER BRIN, CAREGIVER, 5 YRS EXP -  I am a compassionate woman who has built my life around animals. The love received by animals is such an amazing innocent love. I have mothered animals and nurtured others. My hearts desire is their needs. <3

SYDNEY RATTEY, CAREGIVER, 4 YRS EXP - Always loved my animals growing up but the older I get the more love I recognize. Animals have a way of showing their love that a child of youth doesn’t understand. As a child a kiss from a dog was all I needed.  I realize now working with animals for several years and as I a young woman developed, is their kiss is a message of love and need. I am thankful to have bonded in this business with animals that I can love without condition. <3



OUR YARD- Our backyard is fenced on both sides as we are waterfront property with a raised seawall as well. We have security fencing along the water. We have a large roofed screened porch which is an ideal play area that is guarded by two locked patio doors that allows access to the yard.  The pets are always supervised while in the yard as our care givers take the time to play ball, allow sprinkler fun or just to exercise with every animal. New comers are on a 24 ft. long lead until they become acclimated to their surroundings just for additional precaution.

WHERE WE SLEEP - We provide many square feet of comfort for all animals regardless of breed, size, or age. We provide a doggie guest room with a full size bed, and an extra large living area with sofas all for the comfort of our friends, a large family room with a pull out animal friendly sofa bed and couch. This room is our tv time rest area room which has a locked door with access to an outside dog run.  Our master bedroom is the cozy bed for all whom would like to share the company with Elsie, our operations manager. Elsie’s two dogs sleep in the bed with her and welcome any other friends to join the slumber party.

MEETING AREA - As a new friend arrives, one of our caregivers will meet you and your pet outside. Once your pet is in our care, we will bring them to the meeting area which at this time a caregiver will introduce all friends currently being cared for with your pet, one by one, for 15-20 minutes. This meet and greet process is imperative for the safety and comfort of all animals. This process allows our caregivers the opportunity to learn more about each individual animal and their specific needs as they get acquainted with new furry friends.

All areas are equipped with crates in a variety of sizes. Water bowls are in every area that animals are present. Every room is sanitized with hypoallergenic cleaning agents and monitored at all times by a Cozy Creature caregiver.